Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Darren on Flex: FlexUnit4 Testing with Parsley - Testing with Mock Injections

In Part-5 I showed how to tidy away all (most of) the Parsley Messaging and Flex event management boiler-plate by extending the Fluint-aware DSL introduced in Part-3, which made tests Parsley-aware.

This much overdue final part of the FlexUnit4 Testing with Parsley series demonstrates mock injection and leverages Mockito-Flex to achieve that.
(I will give a shout to the team behind Mockolate, as that is also a very good mocking library)

Mockito-Flex utilizes ASMock internally and I encountered a problem where the application-domain used by ASMock for creating mocks, differed from that used by Parsley for its managed context environment.
I managed to clone and patch the Mockito-Flex codebase (pull-request imminent) such that in this patched version, Mockito-Flex specifies to ASMock what application domain to use. Awesome!

The 'test' code re-re-re-re-revisted...

Mock Injection
Previously, a stubbed service implementation was used to provide the behaviour needed for the successful running of the tests.
The smell that comes with using stubs is that they tend to introduce test logic, as was the case here, which is:
  1. Only implicitly tested, by default of being used in a test and...
  2. Only ever used through test code and not main/business code, so does not really represent any business value
Furthermore, this test logic resides in a different class to the test making it harder to understand what is going on (or harder to debug it if/when something goes wrong).

We can rid ourselves of these code-smells by using mocking; the DSL provided by Mockito-Flex allows us to declaritively specify how the mocks in our Parsley context must behave AND we do that in-line with our tests.

With the mocking and Parsley-aware DSLs combined, we still get to write easy-to-read story-style tests i.e. given-when-then, like we did before.

DSL(Mocking + Parsley) - Inheritance = A New Approach
package {


    import org.hamcrest.assertThat;
    import org.hamcrest.object.equalTo;
    import org.mockito.integrations.flexunit4.MockitoRule;
    import org.mockito.integrations.given;

    public class GetPersonCommandMockedParsleyRuleDSLComponentTest {

        public var mockito:MockitoRule = new MockitoRule();
        public var parsley:ParsleyDslRule = new ParsleyDslRule(GetPersonCommandMockedComponentTestContext);
        public var service:DirectoryService;
        public var command:GetPersonCommand;
        public var dodgyPerson:Person;
        public var soundPerson:Person;
        public function prepareEntities():void {
            dodgyPerson = create(Person, {'id': 1, 'firstname': 'John001', 'lastname': 'Smith001', 'phone': 6803225});
            soundPerson = create(Person, {'id': 2, 'firstname': 'John002', 'lastname': 'Smith002', 'phone': 6809168});
        [Test(async,description='Test GetPersonCommand result-handler does not mangle the person found.')]
        public function resultDoesNotManglePersonFound():void {

            then(function(event:PersonEvent, data:*):void {
                assertThat(event.type, equalTo('PersonEvent.found'));
                assertThat(event.person.fullname, equalTo('John002 Smith002'));

        [Test(async,description='Test GetPersonCommand result-handler verifies the id of the person found.')]
        public function resultVerifiesPersonFound():void {

            then(function(event:ErrorEvent, data:*):void {
                assertThat(event.text, equalTo(fmt('Found person (%d) does not match lookup person (%d)',,;

The first thing to notice is the test-case no-longer needs to inherit from the ParsleyHelper class; all that DSL goodness is made available in standalone functions, in much the same way as those provided in the org.hamcrest.*, org.mockito.integrations.* packages and Flex' top-level package.

Swapping out ParsleyRule and using ParsleyDslRule instead activates this non-inheritance approach; under-the-hood it ensures that each test will run in isolation and that any invoked Parsley-aware DSL-function will use the same singletons/managed-objects for that test e.g. the same [MessageDispatcher] or EventDispatcher.

Some test developers use inheritance to implement a suite of similar tests - given Flex only supports single-inheritance - it is nice to have the inheritance-chain freed-up to allow them to continue to do so.

That's all there really is to it!

The change to Mockito-Flex that allows us to specify the application domain is included below, along with the two additional classes that are needed to make the mock-injection work:

--- mockito-flex/mockito/src/main/flex/org/mockito/integrations/flexunit4/ (revision 87:8a8720f988e55bc8daf60144d8d73e63a8cc69b7)
+++ mockito-flex/mockito/src/main/flex/org/mockito/integrations/flexunit4/ (revision 87+:8a8720f988e5+)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 import org.flexunit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod;
 import org.flexunit.token.AsyncTestToken;
 import org.mockito.Mockito;
+import org.mockito.impl.AsmockADMockeryProvider;
 import org.mockito.integrations.currentMockito;
 public class MockitoRule extends MethodRuleBase implements IMethodRule
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@
-    private function classFor(test:Object):Class
+    protected function classFor(test:Object):Class
         return Class(getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(test)));
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
     override public function apply(base:IAsyncStatement, method:FrameworkMethod, test:Object):IAsyncStatement
         var sequencer:StatementSequencer = new StatementSequencer();
-        currentMockito = new Mockito();
+        currentMockito = new Mockito(AsmockADMockeryProvider);
         sequencer.addStep(withMocksAssignment(classFor(test), test));

package org.mockito.impl
    import org.mockito.api.MockCreator;
    import org.mockito.api.MockInterceptor;
    import org.mockito.api.MockeryProvider;
    import org.mockito.api.SequenceNumberGenerator;
    import org.mockito.api.SequenceNumberTracker;

     * Implementation of the mockery provider that creates asmock based implementation
    public class AsmockADMockeryProvider implements MockeryProvider
        private var mockInterceptor:MockInterceptor;

        private var mockCreator:AsmockADMockery;

         * Creates mockery provider
        public function AsmockADMockeryProvider(sequenceNumberGenerator:SequenceNumberGenerator, sequenceNumberTracker:SequenceNumberTracker)
            mockInterceptor = new MockInterceptorImpl(sequenceNumberTracker);
            mockCreator = new AsmockADMockery(mockInterceptor, sequenceNumberGenerator);

         * Returns MockCreator
         * @return implementation of MockCreator
        public function getMockCreator():MockCreator
            return mockCreator;

         * Returns MockInterceptor
         * @return implementation of MockInterceptor
        public function getMockInterceptor():MockInterceptor
            return mockInterceptor;

package org.mockito.impl
    import asmock.framework.MockRepository;
    import asmock.framework.asmock_internal;

    import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
    import flash.utils.Dictionary;

    import org.flemit.reflection.MethodInfo;
    import org.flemit.reflection.Type;
    import org.floxy.IInvocation;
    import org.mockito.api.Invocation;
    import org.mockito.api.MockCreator;
    import org.mockito.api.MockInterceptor;
    import org.mockito.api.SequenceNumberGenerator;

    use namespace asmock_internal;

     * Asmock bridge. Utilizes asmock facilities to create mock objects.
     * @private
    public class AsmockADMockery extends MockRepository implements MockCreator
        public var interceptor:MockInterceptor;

        protected var _names:Dictionary = new Dictionary();

        private var sequenceNumberGenerator:SequenceNumberGenerator;

        public function AsmockADMockery(interceptor:MockInterceptor, sequenceNumberGenerator:SequenceNumberGenerator)
            super(new ADProxyRepository(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain));
            this.interceptor = interceptor;
            this.sequenceNumberGenerator = sequenceNumberGenerator;

         * A factory method that creates Invocation out of asmock invocation
         * @param invocation asmock invocation object
         * @return mockito invocation
        public function createFrom(invocation:IInvocation):Invocation
            var niceMethodName:String = new AsmockMethodNameFormatter().extractFunctionName(invocation.method.fullName);
            return new InvocationImpl(invocation.invocationTarget,
                    new AsmockOriginalCallSeam(invocation),

        public function prepareClasses(classes:Array, calledWhenClassesReady:Function, calledWhenPreparingClassesFailed:Function = null):void
            var dispatcher:IEventDispatcher = super.prepare(classes);
            var repositoryPreparedHandler:Function = function (e:Event):void
            var repositoryPreparationFailed:Function = function (e:Event):void
                if (calledWhenPreparingClassesFailed != null)
            dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, repositoryPreparedHandler);
            dispatcher.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, repositoryPreparationFailed);

        public function mock(clazz:Class, name:String = null, constructorArgs:Array = null):*
            if (name == null)
                name = Type.getType(clazz).name;
            var mock:Object = createStrict(clazz, constructorArgs);
            registerAlias(mock, name);
            return mock;

        override asmock_internal function methodCall(invocation:IInvocation, target:Object, method:MethodInfo, arguments:Array):*
            return interceptor.methodCalled(createFrom(invocation));

         * @param mock
         * @param name
        public function registerAlias(mock:Object, name:String):void
            _names[mock] = name;


Although I doubt anyone has been waiting, apologies for taking so long to wrap this all up.
All the same, it was an interesting exercise to figure all this out.

Ironically, I likely will not be engaging in any Flex development going forward, as I have recently turned my attention to iOS and SCALA.
However I will commit to getting the Mockito-Flex changes pushed to my fork on BitBucket and raise a pull request with Loomis, the author. DONE!

Thanks for reading and comments are welcome as always.

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